Lit Guide: The Grip of It, by Jac Jemc

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If you find yourself loving the voice and pace Cormac McCarthy but loathing the violence of texts like Blood Meridian, The Grip of It should be next on your to-read list. This chilling literary horror novel describes the life of a young couple who purchase and live in a haunted house. A lifelong fan of horror—in both film and literature—this short novel took me by surprise; I was both thoroughly creeped out and consistently impressed by the unrelenting unease in every one of this book’s 200-something pages.


James and Julie settle into a small house in a town outside the city they’ve inhabited since getting married. Their move is prompted by James’s gambling addition and subsequent inability to keep impulses in check; the couple is happy to leave behind their young adult lives and start fresh in a rural town. Their new house, however, has something else in mind.


Like with most texts, I took my time coming to like this book. The prologue contains a lengthy quotation by Ludwig Wittgenstein. Who would include 200 words of Wittgenstein at the beginning of a novel? Somebody who wants you to know they’ve read Wittgenstein. Additionally, I was not impressed with Jemc’s reliance on and overuse of literary maximalism: “—Reverse. Reaching morning. The sun sinking instead The puddles of dew retreating back into the lawn. The idea that you can feel anything correctly. A notion of perfect worthlessness. Something negative being flawless. A mold depressing itself to take in the media, space that must be emptied before it can be filled.” I read the novel (very thoroughly, I might add), and the ambiguous subject of this babble mystifies me.


Though unamused by Jemc’s voice, I was impressed by the story’s pacing and narrative twists. This is not a standard haunted house story—bruises form on Julie’s body, but they flower internally as she (warning: spoiler) rots from the inside. Both Julie and James wake up on deserted beaches, and the spying neighbor might be (is most likely) dead. Bonus: It’s a literary horror novel written by a woman.

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